Not rated
By Ryuujin
02/05/2009 - 15:43:24
Type: Economic land vehicle
Rating: 0.66 (Not rated)
Tags: airship, balloon, elegant, hover, retro, ryuujin, steampunk, transport
While technically an airship, crippling health and safety rules on the designer's homeworld meant no mechanical vehicle was allowed to fly over 30ft, over water or faster than 30 mph.
(Massive Kudos to Nicmacc for the inspired idea of using wheel guards)
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By dragonette4063
Teehee, the description is hilarious as usual. XD
By Churge
Thats Awesome!
By cormorana
very good.
By JMichael65
Really awesome use of forms and colours.
By Ryuujin
@End: technically it's actually a ground vehicle, and since it has wheels used artistically it tries to seat the wheels on the floor as spore believes it to be a wheeled vehicle. So the little square forces it to float off the floor.
By Endbringer
what is with the tiny square?
By Confucius08
great ship and good to know who the original wheel guy is ;) great innovation that R+
By riederman
By TinyPieGuy
Oh and BTW you started something huge here! (even though it was originally Nicmacc) This has really caught on as a major trend!
By Didzo
Whoa! Very nice sleek design!
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