The Anti-Planet Crusher
This Is Shot Out of a cannon into the hands or face of the beast. it then realeases a venom that does nothing more then cause irritation and pain. mabey a little swelling. any way it makes it stop what its doing.
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By Serevanth
this is great, where is the anti-anti-anti- Planet crusher :)
By crazytigerboy
now the arc arsenal is up to 75 with a ARC Anti-Anti Planet Crusher
By BorgCollective
Very nice but strange If you got time comment on my stuff plz
By r0ckm4n01
Pretty cool!! Oh and if you have any extra time on spore.com, PLEASE check out some of my cool creations.
By crazytigerboy
we are the ARC so we are above and do not believe in your pitiful gods.
By crazytigerboy
now I have a mail creature, as close as I will get to a mail box
By crazytigerboy
nice try but first you have to get through its armored skin (inside the mouth too), make sure the venom is designed specifically for the creatures DNA and that it isn't already immune to it. And see if it really affects it