Majora's Mask
Not rated

By Keegan406
01/14/2009 - 01:28:30

Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 1.43 (Not rated)
Tags: keegan406, majora's mask, moon, nintendo


One of the best games I have ever played. Best being Ocarina of Time ;) Three days hasn't ended yet, but Skullkid is on top of the clock tower waiting for you. Why is this not on the Vitual Consol for Wii yet? I just checked this in editor mode, I didn't forget the eye like I had thought, it just wont show up in the picture :p


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By WTFClock

lol MOON SMASH can i use this for mah adventure?

By billnyegoku


By Firemansam

haha loved this game, made a creature of the giants holding up the moon i think you might like ;)

By NuttymcNutNut

That moon is SCARY! D: Which is a good thing, because it was scary in Majora's Mask, too. (What's up with the whole moon thing? I only played the game a little bit in Super Smash Brothers Brawl's 'Masterpieces' mode, so yeah.)

By Didzo

I can't believe I never saw your stuff! Buddied!

By gurglebit

Okay, is that a CREATURE? Love it, by the way. 5/5.

By supermulet11


By mmr100896

wow awesome R+, and i buddied you =)

By Keeshi

Very cool.

By Keegan406

Correction: *IT* won't show up in the pic (lol I'm a bad speller :D )

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