Kerry Blue Terrier
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By Gryphon57
01/14/2009 - 01:34:25
Type: House building
Rating: 1.86 (Not rated)
Tags: gryphon57
From the county of Kerry comes an all around farm dog. He can herd, dispatch of pests, guard the home and give you lots of kerry kisses. Born black, the coat clears to various shades of gray . The coat should begin to clear by 18 months. They are particularly fond of dispatching arrogant downraters.
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By crazy7
Awsome House!
By Musket456
And just when I was about to say, "Ok. You aren't just a cute creator, you shook off the reputation nicely." But, fisrt the fox, and then this?!? Sorry, your still a cute creator, lol.
By uthere1
Kool puppy, love it
check out my creations some time
...cool...I might build a life size version in my back yard...
By mark11
cool dog. he looks cute. great work
By matantg
aww, wonderful :)
By Dragon908
By AlienDH
Say Gryphon can you check out my newest creation Spore Complexibility bar .Trust me you'll like .(Please Rate and Comment .That is till a cool creation .I like Doggie's XD .
By Deztiny
Wow, I'm stunned at all those comments, Thank you tons!
By hattrickster
Very nice work, r+++
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