Utopian Civic Center
Not rated
By Andeavor
01/12/2009 - 15:27:23
Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0.17 (Not rated)
Tags: center, city, civic, hall, set:utopian, sporeuni.com
Where everything works and no corruption is necessary. :D
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By Metal_Raider
Awesome! We could use one (or a thousand) of these here in my country -_-
By starfoth
"True utopian society is non-corrupt religious and capitalist hegemony." -unknown-
By BrokenEyeReborn
This is me being naturally suspicious of your so-called "utopia". If it appears perfect, that should be your first tip-off that something is seriously, seriously wrong
By Pezzalis
Well wouldnt tha be nice :D I guess thats why you called this a utopian set ;) Excellent work on all of them :)
By sErgEantaEgis
Aaaaw man!Wish I add the ressource to build myself an utopia!I would make a technocracy,since democracy itself doesn't work in the long term,and technocracy seem like the most efficient political system to me...
By SixSixtySix
LOL, I'm loving your descriptions! - Your designs are fantastic!
By sam445
WOW! Theres no word to tell how beautiful this is!
By Digi-P
Beautiful building set.
By Solamae13
The cool thing about the utopia series is that you can connect the monorails together in adventure building.
By sErgEantaEgis
Very nice Building!The painting is awesome!And the monorail is a good idea!
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