CFA-44 Nosferatu
Not rated
By birdbrain
01/03/2009 - 03:21:25
Type: Military air vehicle
Rating: 0.09 (Not rated)
Tags: 44, 6, a, ace, c, combat, estovakia, f, fighter, fires, jet, liberation, nosferatu, of, plane, xbox
from Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liveration for the Xbox 360, the premier Estovakian fighter. Unmatched in acceleration, speed, and maneuverability, it is quite unstable.
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By ZengZicong
Cool! Ace Combat is awesome. Please come checkout some of my creations. R+
By TheLerf
cool, for some reason, i havent been able to find many CFAs on spore.com... anyways, i think this could use some work on the paint job. brown just doesnt really fit a next-gen fighter. i made a version of the CFA myself, check it out.
By UberScribe
wow wayyy btr than any of AH64DLongbow's planes good job rate up! comment back when u can.