By Apexco01/01/2009 - 16:50:27
Type: SpaceshipRating: 0.79 (Not rated)
By Apexco Well, the weaselbeast-race was downright aggressive and all for practicality. The paint job would't suit their idealism.
By JTA92 All it needs is some paint. Otherwise, it is a very nicely done spaceship.
By JTA92 Nice weaponry on this one. I suggest painting it, though.
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By Apexco
Well, the weaselbeast-race was downright aggressive and all for practicality. The paint job would't suit their idealism.
By JTA92
All it needs is some paint. Otherwise, it is a very nicely done spaceship.
By JTA92
Nice weaponry on this one. I suggest painting it, though.