Not rated

By Koil08
12/30/2008 - 08:23:43

Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0.21 (Not rated)
Tags: blood, daemon, demon, gore, hell, horror, koil08


The dark horrors that exist upon the Daemon Worlds can only be imagined in the worst nightmares, for it is such which creates them. The inexplicable forces that permeate these regions create them in the flesh, catered for the psyche of the individual.


By Jade106

Whoa! Great job, Koil! Love your descript, too! GJ! R

By nogoodnames

I have got to see some of these in the editor, R+ and buddying

By Milanopiano

*drool*............. demonic is definitly your theme :D

By Koil08

Man, ran out of bits before i could REALLY gore it up!


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