Very interesting! When I look at your page this does not show that it's been deleted? Your outdoor spa does-so I can't comment on it, but I downloaded it before it showed it was deleted and used it in some of my games....Sporepedia is all messed up!!! :(
By NextToGone
Awesum ship!
By tsohG
Okay, so I'm an idiot.. not drool but Wiring being RIPPED out of the cockpit. lI was hungry when I posted, sorry :P >
By tsohG
BLUE! I like the creative DROOL coming from the dragon!
By MarieFrance
Very interesting! When I look at your page this does not show that it's been deleted? Your outdoor spa does-so I can't comment on it, but I downloaded it before it showed it was deleted and used it in some of my games....Sporepedia is all messed up!!! :(
By MarieFrance
Great job on this Dan the Man! Outstanding!!