Vrajaco High Temple
Not rated

By Jake-518
12/11/2008 - 06:55:24

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0.27 (Not rated)


The high temple of the Vrajaco race. The high priest resides in here, who is the head of the religion and he is part of a council of elders who decide what's best for their people.


By Greenbutton

So awesome! Those golden roofs just lifts the building up to the heavens! :-P

By BlackDragonlady

Awesome design, R+

By Himmelslaub

Excellent design!

By Turenkarn

great looking building. agread with hydro good looking naboo building. thumbs up. now blue :)

By Confucius08

i really like the roofs of this R+

By Hydro_Glyph

Very cool design, like a naboo theme..great color a texture


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