Not rated
By Joeycool
12/08/2008 - 16:42:34
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: cis, clone wars, dreadnought, droids, general griveous, kus, melevolence, spaceship, star wars
Die Melevolence ist die geheime Superwaffe der Seperatisten in den Klonkriegen. Das gigantische Schiff ist unter anderem mit 2 gigantischen Ionenkanonen ausgestattet, die jeden Gegner mit einem Schuss außer Gefecht setzen.
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By BrokenEye
How dare you support the Clone Wars! That show raped Star Wars repeatedly in every orifice, cut off its tongue, eyes, balls, arms, and legs, skinned it, covered all the wounds in vinegar, shot it repeatedly in the stomach, drowned it, cut up the body, and
By Joeycool
Yes, clone wars.
By v_ware
Clone wars series?