Cloverfield Monster
Not rated

By DiabloDog
12/03/2008 - 04:38:45

Type: Creature
Rating: 0.4 (Not rated)
Tags: cloverfield, cloverfield monster, cloverfieldmonster, diablodog, monster, movie, new york, scary


The epic "unseen" monster from the movie "Cloverfield" (I, DiabloDog, am tired of people stealing my work, if you see this anywhere else, it's stolen)


DNA points
73 Bones4 Feet2 Hands
Diet: Carnivore
Health: +3
38 %
28.8 %
2 / 20
11 / 20
2 / 15
1 / 54 / 50 / 5
0 / 53 / 52 / 5
0 / 54 / 50 / 5
1 / 50 / 5

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By bennyboes


By Megmcmeg12

I love the creation! I saw a movie it wasn't Cloverfield though ,and it had the same monster! Just the head was diffent and it was reddish

By afgander

No, it is from cloverfield, some ones say its name is clover, other only cloverfiel monster and isnĀ“t from dead space XD but they look a like XD but dead space creatures are smaller and with a "spear" (sorry, i dont talk english) on both hands

By kitty9898

wait, wat is cloverfield? cuz i 4got wat it wuz.

By Daxin19

Someone stole this.

By Toli_F1121006486

i think this was used as a template for a necromorph brute that i saw... (dead space)

By ianjoel

i play dead space it is cool how the big tentacles grab you

By DingDong96

that you would tell us to DOWNRATE someone! when you post stuff you taking a chance. if you dont want you stuff:STOLEN" then dont post it!

By DingDong96

Hello mr diablodog? I love your creations but seriously,whats your problem? I notice you allways say IF YOU SEE THIS ANYWERE ELSE ITS STOLEN. on your creations.nothing is being stolen from you. the word you should use is EDITED. But i cant BELIVE

By Cosmus6b

Your creations are epic! I was so impressed by this I decided to see what else you've made and my jaw dropped open. o.o

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