Space Race
Not rated

By Andeavor
12/01/2008 - 20:30:13

Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0.08 (Not rated)
Tags: galactic, galaxy, gift, planet, race, restaurant, revolving, set;sporeland, shop, simulator, space


The fifth and final area in Sporeland; the main attraction is the simulator "It's a Small Galaxy After All" where the passengers are hurled through space discovering new planets and galactic objects. There are also a gift shop and a revolving restaurant.


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By ranivorous

Does the reastruant surve ruined meals? Cuase, like, yeah, you know, people have motion sickness and puke in the foods. Gross, right? Oh no.. IVE CAME ADDICTED TO TOMODACHI LIFE! NOOOOOO!! eh.

By luluthedog

Remember,this planet is titanic,but it is nothing compared to the galaxy.But I am sure with the spinning resturant,people will vomit all over their food!What an awful idea!

By Northstone

Ugh. Spinnign resturaunt..... :P

By Godzilla_2010

Where is the fourth?

By Yoshiman99

No bathroom?

By Southstreet

I like how the sporeland pieces show the different stages of spore. R

By DashShep

where theres just 1,000000 plants and 500 suns and a smile means freindship to every but the grox wherwe starships collide and wars span wide its a small galaxy after

By kaleb702

Not It's a Small Galaxy After All! Anything but that!

By mathon


By Wc3Gamer

I'd suspect that the restrooms are in the restaurant.

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