Evil Inc Laboratory
Not rated

By Andeavor
11/29/2008 - 18:15:35

Type: Factory building
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)
Tags: corporation, domination, factory, galactic, inc, laboratory, machine, mayhem, scientist, set:evil, terror, world


Enslave brilliant scientists from all over the world for you. In this laboratory they can contruct evil machines for you to cause mayhem and terrorize the galaxy.


By luluthedog

Why is it good colours,like blue,white,yellow and green?It should be evil colours,such as red,black and purple.Too cheery for a evil base.

By luluthedog

Order the slaves to create a working model of the Armageddon form of Wlucz,plus the space travel and ability to cause natural disasters and test it out.

By Kluga

Order the slaves to engineer the most horrible sickness in all of Spore and have them test it on themselves.

By CarmenDioxide

love the layout on this - and the fact its soo clean and white collar, as we know all the most evil stuff is xD

By v_ware

and the good work keeps on coming!! R+

By Hydro_Glyph

cool rotunda

By calculatrice

Heh, I love the description. I want to enslave some scientists to work for me:)


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