Chocolate Milk
Not rated

By LunarHyuuga
11/26/2008 - 17:47:28
Type: Factory building
Rating: 0.7 (Not rated)
Tags: chocolate, chocolate milk, dairy, drink, ilk
The classic. Be sure to wipe off that milk mustache
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By DreadTribe
Nicely done...look for it in my adventure:Dentist attack!
By Jaramat
Rich and creamy! Great design! R+
By PieIsYummy
Yumy yum yum. DELICIOUS! I'm sorry... I just LOVE these things.
By Asylvan
A classic! Good job!
By Max Mimears
By Teegan
Oooh, i want one!
By Quizguy
EEEEEKK. My Chocolate milk is overflowing! Ahem, I mean, I think if you foudn a way to make it look like it wasn't overflowing, it would be a bit better.
By Andeavor
I agree, you could've played around with bases and add some whipped cream while you're at it. Though, it looks delicious anyway! :D
By Zugaikotsu
The top is cool, but the glass itself seems really plain. R+