Weekend Bling Bling

By Lessa1
11/25/2008 - 05:23:29

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 6 (Good)
Tags: lessa1, spaceship


All spaceships are best viewed in the Editor.


By Manifestation

It looks like a very regal mask to me. =D Nice.

By lazywnch

That's the kind of bling bling a gal wants for Christmas. Fantastic use of light!

By Torraan

wow very brigh! love the golden coloring!

By NextToGone

Rated up yesterday.... Luvit too!

By Binny

Nice light show.

By Lessa1

At least it's not a ball - thank you Narado (knew you'd see I'm on a space "jewellery" kick now, lol).

By Narado

Very smart Bling. Very pretty lights.


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