Will of Zakul
By Shmitz
11/14/2008 - 00:31:50
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 13.12 (Good)
Tags: creator:shmitz, space, spaceship, ufo, vehicle
The Will has more Espers installed on board than any other Zakul vessel, giving it a fearsome level of psychic power that it can level in any number of ways against its enemies. Against opponents with no psychic shielding, the Zakul delight in making their ships spontaneously explode. (Looks much better in-game with lights)
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By w0otmAn
Nice colours and awesome details, R+
By Jakemj
I want you to know that war has been declared on these pathetic Psionics . . .the magic of the demoneers shall be the death of these fools and their so-called mind magic. . .
By Drubinsky
Your Zakul are very interesting. Nice work
By lazywnch
Lovely, lovely use of lights and design!
By codyr2391
Beautiful ship!
By Anasar
Your series is so cool.Thumbs up.
By Al_B_Bach
Great goodness! You have to look at the use of detail to appreciate. Thumbs up mate! R++
By JGvardija
Awesome, love the design and how it is tilted downwards.
By milonjas-makilus
By Narado
So many great designs today! Well done.
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