By Emortin11/12/2008 - 02:47:56
Type: SpaceshipRating: 0.09 (Not rated)
By stormyrocks and the other one
By stormyrocks i know i havent comented in a long time but your argument with swangrocks was so very annyoing oh and im rating this up
By Chance96 I found the center of the galaxy last week! Which apparatly you beat me by a few months...
By yertle96 so youve met steve to apparently.(hes alittle odd)
By stormyrocks swang that doesnt mean it is it just look good theres a better steve than his i bet like the real one mnaxis created it then know how two
By swangrocks thats to fat rate down my Steve is beter than all the other steves
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By stormyrocks
and the other one
By stormyrocks
i know i havent comented in a long time but your argument with swangrocks was so very annyoing oh and im rating this up
By Chance96
I found the center of the galaxy last week! Which apparatly you beat me by a few months...
By yertle96
so youve met steve to apparently.(hes alittle odd)
By stormyrocks
swang that doesnt mean it is it just look good theres a better steve than his i bet like the real one mnaxis created it then know how two
By swangrocks
thats to fat rate down my Steve is beter than all the other steves