By Sayalle
11/05/2008 - 02:19:02
Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0.32 (Not rated)
Tags: mail, mailbox, message, sayalle
My mailbox, basically =) Naturally, besides the mailbox itself, it needs a few things I like; namely water, trees, and some sort of canine (or at least a statue of one c:) If you have any messages not related to a specific creation of mine, here's the place to post them =) ------------------------------------------ UPDATE: I've gotten CaC, so I've been playing around with it. I've decided not to upload anything for now, but rather celebrate the new year by releasing what I've created then. So if you want to see what I've been up to, check back after New Years =) Until then, I'll also be going through what people have created while I wasn't on, and I'll also be looking at CaC creations that I couldn't actually view before =)
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By Crazyguy69
This is amazing! Outstanding! Its too bad nobody knows respect and always steal it. But still you did an amazing job. (i hate stealers because I always see this everywhere stolen from everyone but mainly its stolen from you)
By thebean99
sayalle u rock! check out my creations if u can plzzzzzz
By thebean99
i think ur creations r boss thnx for being my buddy. U ROCK SAYALLE!!!
By Littlesquirl
very nice and comfortable looking piece of property
By Littlesquirl
i love the dog on top rplus
By zzzzzap
Btw Buddied You!
By zzzzzap
By Creations4Ever
hey check out my buddy adv if u can,(sorry i didnt buddy u intime for u to be in it =P)
By Creations4Ever
r+ i admire u, all the wolves and canine stuff! awesome mailbox!
By Nimat
i like the wolf stuff its well done
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