Not rated
By Bones1138
11/02/2008 - 23:14:38
Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 0.81 (Not rated)
Tags: bones1138
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By Bones1138
11/02/2008 - 23:14:38
Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 0.81 (Not rated)
Tags: bones1138
By Karkan51
If it was a commercial it would be this, STAR MOWER! Crushin' your enemies! in like some sort of catchy tune, every army would have one too..Or wait is it a regular size mower in reallife...or a giant mower? anyways nice creation!
By kaploy9
I wonder where someone is going to find a kid big enough to push that thing... ;D
By Dan-A-N
That's something I've never seen before. Really well done too. Rated up.
By Creator_Shadow
lol this is really Creative §.§