Shackles of Loki

By orbisnonsufficit
10/23/2008 - 01:52:36
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 2.37 (Good)
Tags: agressive, biped, carnivore, claws, cyborg, demon, evil, eye, military, monster, norse, servant, war
(Has in game lighting features). This ship is an embodiment of the pain of Loki in his imprisoned state, and of the lament of the Servants of Loki for their master. They go about the galaxy in these ships, actively seeking to bring about Ragnarok, so that their master may be free again. The bi-products of this machines processes, that are stored in its serpentine bowels, are said to be able to posion entire world and cause horrible agony to any that come in contact with it.
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By ardac
into norse mythology much
By SharnaSanveech
By jameses
Sweet. Love to ride in that!
*ship launches*
*people choke*
By Narado
Wow - glad you commented - meant I could find this!
By MacMorri
Great. I love your cruisers.
By SharnaSanveech
Sweet ride!
By DemogorghonWhite
Awsome lights.
By KaelWolfcry
It looked great in the 'Pedia, but the lights really make it stand out. Thumbs!
By BlueLiquidPlus
Very sweet, I love the paint job in the editor along with the pulsating engine tubes.
By masscolder
Ah yes, the lighting is lost in the thumbnails. Looks neat
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