Protoss Nexus
Not rated

By SniperMonkey
10/11/2008 - 17:42:57
Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0.1 (Not rated)
Tags: mcwallpaperchallenge, nexus, protoss, set:protossbuildings, snipermonkey, starcraft
The Nexus is the heart of a Protoss base. It constructs Probes and serves as a processing center for Minerals and Vespene gas.
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By voom11
i love the starcraft creations
By Orrad
I infested this, You should check it out
By Kahath
Very good, extremely accurate.
By Maisuki
Haha, I finaly installed SC 1 and beat it - noticed that the ingame stuff is much more complex than your creations.... COMPLEXITY METER FTL
By Ephraimm
Love your protoss buildings, excellent SC2 detail and coloring. I've made an assimilator since I couldn't find one that you made, I'd hope you'd look at it :)
By oleemarius77
hi im recreating one of your strutures if that is okay ? plz respond..
By oleemarius77
nice work! ^^ very good work! thanks for commenting at my stuff;D im looking forward to play starcraft 2 in july 2010. plz comment at my mutating protoss stuff-M-P
By Druark
Sniper well done on the protoss stuff it awsome
By WizzyLuke
Hey Sniper, i used some of your protoss creations in my first adventure, it's not finished yet but i wanted too know if you where ok with me useing them :3
By goldendragon339
The double tail on my velocity rapter is a glitch on my computer its on a couple of other ones to,but do you still like it? please coment back
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