Cute Home
Not rated

By Nykara
10/03/2008 - 16:33:10

Type: House building
Rating: 0.12 (Not rated)
Tags: blue, cute, front porch, home


The kind of home any sporian would enjoy coming back to at the end of each day - Nykara Creation


By Pugnap00

love the colors, and the balcony:)

By General_Pothead

that looks great! a very luxurious looking place in deed

By Nykara

Real life mostly, I just try to think of all the different houses.. shops, theme parks etc that are around IRL and do my best to try and create them here

By Lac3yb0y

Nicely done, where do you get the ideas?

By Ceece

Awesome building!

By TnT-Productions

What a cozy house, and as you say, cute :o)


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