Pink Spice Pumper
By Sylverphyre
10/03/2008 - 08:22:17
Type: Factory building
Rating: 2.61 (Good)
Tags: factory, meduvh, pink spice, pump
To maximise pink spice production, the Meduvhians have decided to pump the spice directly out of the planet core. This structure actually serves to purposes. One being to pump pink spice out of the earth, and the second is maintaining the planets core.
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By Slaughter666
Del: you said to pump pink spice out of the earth. Shouldn't it say ground?
By The_Blob11
wow, l love the pool of pink spice
By Sylverphyre
more features? Hehe, I don't even have a single feature! How I wish I do get featured though! Thanks for the feedback btw!
By Collin08
your work is aesthetic and intelligent! I'm surprised you haven't got more features
By Sylverphyre
Thanks, masscolder! Whoah you're like going through all my creations! Thanks! BTW, Spice series isn't over!
By masscolder
You have some beautiful buildings. And nice spice themes on the factories.