Yellow Spice Strainer
Not rated
By Sylverphyre
10/03/2008 - 08:22:00
Type: Factory building
Rating: 0.18 (Not rated)
Tags: factory, meduvh, strain, yellow spice
Yellow spice is usually highly contaminated with other substances. This Medhuvian structure filters and strains the yellow spice into a liquid form, which is then kept in barrels to be sold across the galaxy.
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By Duploman
Love your series
By The_Blob11
such creative desciptions, awsome claws and grabbers on this too
By Sylverphyre
Thanks ppl! I wish the image in Sporepedia was from a different angle though.. Can't see much unless in-game...
By atteSmythe
My personal favorite of the factory series, too. Quite inspiring!
By AiShizuka
My favorite out of your spice factories. Thumbs up.
By Moofar
like what your doing with this set, keep it up.