Floating Creatortip
Not rated
By Rabidmax
09/28/2008 - 20:59:36
Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 1.88 (Not rated)
Tags: building, creatortip, feature, float, floating
Two ways to make floating objects, offset and reduce, or reduce support towers. In my Aquarium, I hide the supports in the back wall, though I could have done it in the floor equally well. Hope it's useful!
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By Rabidmax
That's news to me TorgOwl, but glad to know it. If I ever get back into Spore I'll be sure to remember it. Cheers!
By TorgOwl
Ummm... of course, in the building editor, you could just press CTRL a move the mouse to make floating parts...?
This is great, thanks for the hints very useful
By Rabidmax
'Planks' are the easiest to float, but they're harder to hide than a cylinder, which can get much smaller. Hiding the planks inside my 'fish' was mighty frustrating :)
By Rabidmax
A quick note about the reducing support, you need to offset the item that is balancing on the support somewhat... Like plonking a sphere on the top of a cylinder and reducing the cylinder will just take the ball with it, unless you offcentre the ball. 'Pla