Galazan Antigrav Airship
Not rated
By Parkaboy
09/27/2008 - 17:43:56
Type: Economic air vehicle
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)
Tags: gamingsteve, parkaboy, set:calazan, yellow
This ship uses graviton repulsor plates to stay airborne.
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By Segersgia
the galazan needs a spaceship . when are you able to make it?
By Homer-dude2
Reminds mr of those Hovercrafts in the Matrix Trilogie.
By Jasper1388
I love the front
By Tenebrarum
Very impressive! Btw, I'd like some suggestions on my Penelat set. If you could spare the time, that would be great. Thanks!
By pigsfly
Usually I dont like a vehicle with no obvious means of getting somewhere. But that description says it all! Good job.