Scundalt Squid Pits
Not rated

By ElDuderino42
09/26/2008 - 06:07:20

Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 1.18 (Not rated)
Tags: arena, cage, elduderino42, gladiator, net, ocean, sea, squid, water


The arenas where giant squids fight for Scundalt amusement. The squid pits are also the last word in Scundalt justice; if a condemned Scundalt can beat a squid in the Pit, he's innocent. The squid usually wins.


By MoaBurns

love the way you have bubbles rising from the squid in the tank, also the description is top-notch :)

By Binny

Fantastic job!

By JGvardija

Awesome, very creative! Rate up.


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