By orbisnonsufficit
09/25/2008 - 03:43:07
Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 2.14 (Good)
Tags: blue, denizen, metal, military, rec., recreation, tiers, tower, void
The Void Claw are a very Militaristic people, but at the same time are very egalitarian and social. Their duty to the masters, known broadly as "the Denizens of the Void", give them a bond far stronger than any petty differences. So the void claw can enjoy one common center for all. Being a war like society the center's activities all atleast indirectly relate back to war and a state of preparedness for it. This is important since a Void Claw citizen never knows when it will be called on to join a raiding host, war fleet, or to defend its city. The building also has many scent bars since the Void Claw have an accute sense of smell.
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