By VCInc
09/22/2008 - 04:31:37
Type: Factory building
Rating: 0.34 (Not rated)
Tags: berry, berry bush, bush, factory, plant, vegetatious
In the natural world, nature provides it's own factories, fruit bearing plants. This factory utilises this aspect of nature, providing an excellent source of production. Wow a feature, thanks! In response to the questions about a flora editor, I don't think there is one available yet. This was made using lots of berry roofs, connectors and the vacuole in the details section, when extended, sprouts leaves. *creator tip* If you hold control while moving pieces you can move them on the vertical plane, allowing you to lower the roofs into the other parts giving a more seamless join. This also works if you want to lower things into the ground.
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By Fengalon
very cool!! r
By Jujubee11
Woah. . . Awesome! I love it! I like the tree tops and everything! It's GREAT!
By manyanko
By Parado
By Krispy9200
Wow, fantastic work! Adding to my favorites cast!
By Orcastar205
holy cow!thats good
By gordopeludo
and it have many bugs!
By gordopeludo
there is a flora editor, and everyone here have it, it is just hidden in the game
By Kurvz
That's incredible!
By Digi-P
Awesome work.
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