Not rated

By Wossname
09/15/2008 - 23:03:33

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.94 (Not rated)


Inspired by the syringe gun flechette in TF2.


By IcemanO11

Btw, I saw your medic cosplay on DeviantART! Awesome job! U fit the medic PERFECTLY! =D (and some of your expressions too :O )

By IcemanO11

GAH! Oo MEDIC!! D: Great job on this! I would HATE to see that as a space craft floating around in my spore game ,_, (fear of needles)

By Wossname

It's a spaceship right now, but it shouldn't be hard to redo as aircraft -- just have to find a way to hide the various "weapons" for each civ type.

By S-Guy

What creator did you use to make this? I'd love to see it flying around as an aircraft. XD


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