Millenium Falcon
Not rated

By pmainpri
09/11/2008 - 00:32:03

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.51 (Not rated)
Tags: millenium falcon, star, starwars, wars


Millenium Falcon beta 1
Using one photos/videos I have plus ideas i see from other creators to make a Millenium Falcon replica.

Credits: tetsubot, rekool89, Lebriney


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By Flying Penguin

mouhahahaha I could touch this up very nicely... I'll alert the fire brigade... jk

By peg8595


By totalfan123

totally rules

By Duploman

Yeah that's really good. it's a tiny bit bare though

By heros2711

the best

By TuorHuor

Vraiment réussi ! good job !

By Aremoga

¡Qué guapo! :-o

By OompaLoompaKIA

this thing is awesome dude its just like it! ther are so many things like this it shows how just freakin awesome star wars is

By SteakSauceMan

Wow. There's a lot of peeps making StarWars stuff :D

By Artenon

Try making the corellian bomber from the Legacy of the force series. It looks like the falcon, but is black and has a central cockpit and no dish, so symmetry isn't a problem.

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