
By attempteda
09/10/2008 - 23:00:58

Type: Military air vehicle
Rating: 2.06 (Good)
Tags: attempteda, banshee, halo


I don't like doing fan stuff, but I just wanted to run into a decent looking Banshee


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By wtr409

OMG 7 NOOBS COPYED THIS! You have must of made a heck good banshee! R

By TheWhiteSheep

yeah, this is pretty awesome

By Draknar95

i h8 it when people steal i thought my mate made it but he lied

By maestroo97

Wow, I just saw something just like this published, and had to click the lineage button 6 times before I got back to the original.

By Jason116

10 out of 10

By CRE8OR997

i agree with bladian

By Geckofrog

Awesome! I hope I can hop into it and score some hits on Galactical Adventures.

By bladian605

i honostly see no diferance with the real banshee... nice job!

By Shadow0Artist

All right! Finally a decent Halo creation! The way you made the body and the fact that the banshee is my favorite vehicle gets a 9/10!

By MrFuzzFuzz

dang, can i take it for a spin, oh, thats right its not real is it, couldnt tell for a seck. heh heh... oooops.

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