Not rated

By SniperMonkey
09/09/2008 - 19:30:47

Type: Economic land vehicle
Rating: 0.46 (Not rated)
Tags: scv, starcraft, terran


The SCV is the Terran worker unit. It is used to construct and maintain everything from remote outposts to space platforms as well as harvest resources. They are used by both military and civilian interests because of their versatility and reliability.


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By Fire_Lemon5000

awww come on do you have the patch? if you download EA Download Manager at spore.com you can get lots of cool parts make creations with a drill on one side and the graby things on the other!

By Chewd6

hey!, i saw this on Yutub

By Taurisian

oh scvs have a drill don't they? sorry my eyes might be fuzzy cos so used to seeing them blur around at my base

By Taurisian

I play wow starcraft warcraft 3 diablo and this :P

By en660

can u make a space marine from warhammer as a creature?PLEASE???

By loka97

How many games do play? Wow, starcraft, Warcraft( i guess). Have you done all the creatures in all games?

By captiannash

nice, do you play a game called EVE Online?

By mobious46

woah dude ur so good im begining to wonder if ur a creator of starcraft!!!!!

By throstur

you are best at making starcraft spore stuff to :D

By Arbitor98

Its Tighter In Here Then A Fight With A Frog's Butt And A Watermelon Seed.One Of His Quotes In Normal Starcraft.

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