Not rated

By Aaarrrggg
09/09/2008 - 06:06:41

Type: Civilization creature
Rating: 1.11 (Not rated)
Tags: baw, bura, bura tribes collection, civil, collection, hookedonspore, mime, monotone, totalspore, tribe


(CIV) The Marceaubura never speak, but have perfected their gestures to such a degree you can actually 'hear' what they are miming! They are the arch enemies of the Doinkabura. ** Part of the Bura Tribes Collection ** Thanks to AileenaSnow and Doomnova for the suggestion! It was a challange working with the BaW but I'm pleased with the result! :) ** CREATORTIP: The hat is actually an arm with a flipped over Rockne, it was the only way I could find to get a black hat with the true black base colour.


DNA points
59 Bones2 Feet2 Hands
Diet: Carnivore
Health: +5
13 %
36.23 %
11 / 20
10 / 20
3 / 15
1 / 52 / 50 / 5
0 / 54 / 53 / 5
5 / 54 / 50 / 5
5 / 50 / 5

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By pinfeathers

this is great. reminds me of Clockwork Orange.

By borris1286

I like this...amusing.

By connorarmistead

cool look at mine when you can

By Drubinsky

I could see them building imaginary cities, fighting imaginary enemies, flying imaginary spaceships into the cosmos...

By blyon90

This has got to me my favorite creation of yours hands down. It's simple and brilliant. :]

By dicsi

some of these guys attacked me triable guys. ATTACK OF THE MIMES!!!

By MyCretureOwnsUrs

man, u gotta copy right this bura thing it's awsome.

By JazzBro

im quite sure this one's my favourite- he's just too cool.

By Aaarrrggg

Mwhahaha! >:)

By Gringat

An Epic one of these kept attacking my allies (who I later betrayed coz i'm evil=]) No I nuked it. Took all of my army to finish it off tho, and then t must have smashed half of them.

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