By Digi-P
08/14/2008 - 10:20:04
Type: Creature
Rating: 0.09 (Not rated)
Tags: address, asymmetric, bird, comment, communication, digi-p, forum, internal, letter, ma technique, mail, mail carrier, trial
Nick Name: Popo. This little cute bird is a Digi-P's pet. It love to carry mail or letter to Digi-P. Now Digi-P assign it as an internal communication tools to remind Digi-P. However it's still hope that it will did its favorite work again. Thanks the mailbox idea from ShardsOfBlue. -------------------------------------------------- Long-run Project -> Rolling Creature and the exploration of the Rolling Land. -> New Magical Hamster Series.
-------------------------------------------------- Planned Project -> DPS Fleet. -------------------------------------------------- Currently Project -> None -------------------------------------------------- Completed Project -> 7 Magical Hamster. -> Gaogungar Series. -> Puzzle Series. -> Eternalium Planet. -> Spiral Dragon Building. -> Thanks Set. -> Phoenix Building. -------------------------------------------------- Suspended Project -> Diamond Icy Series.
DNA points
69 Bones | 2 Feet | 1 Hands |
Health: +2
5 %
Sociability 5 / 20 | Aggressiveness 4 / 20 | Abilities 4 / 15 |
1 / 5 | 2 / 5 | 2 / 5 |
1 / 5 | 1 / 5 | 2 / 5 |
2 / 5 | 1 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
1 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
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By jerem744303
Hey,Digi-P, hello there,Could you test my adventure "the crystal mine"? It is one of the only adventure I made where it has popularity.Thank you.
By heavymetalrulz
hey i have a challenge for you that i think u will enjoy!!!!
By SapphireFlame
Do you take remake requests? If so I really need this to be completely redone. link:|2263091674%3Asast-500457058743%3Apg-340
By Knust
Plece join the guild. its a team on spore made by groxkiller585. join it plz.
By pester555
Digi-P. Can I run my newsest version of my adventure The Galaxy's 100 Anniversary V2 through you before publishing it?
By branchandleaf
P.S. Thanks for commenting my clover! If there were not your suggestion, the second one would not be born. Thanks again! :)
By branchandleaf
Nice birdy, I love her beautiful purple antenna and tail feathers :)
By miss_kaj
SPOTLIGHT: Andreaseas has created some of the best wall-ies I have seen and has many other wonderful creatures. Andreaseas has challenged us to create an adventure using their creatures. Check it out:
By jerem744303
Heh,its been long time there were no messages..Also,its for say that im back!
By miss_kaj
SPOTLIGHT and SC of the WEEK: Check out Lukos151's latest creations. He is very good with creatures, buildings, and spaceships. He has an excellent spaceship sporecast. Find him here:
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