Not rated

By nznjr
08/02/2008 - 20:48:12

Type: Creature
Rating: 1.79 (Not rated)
Tags: aliengirl, bird, bone, cool, creatortip, dry, food, gobble, good, holiday, little, maxis, mmm, nznjr, small, stuffed, thanksgiving, tom, turkey, white, wish, wishbone


Yep, poor old Tom's wishbone.Make a wish and pull! Two people should each grasp one end of Tom's wishbone. Each person pulls on the wishbone while making a wish. The one who gets the larger piece of bone (the one with the head on it) will get his or her wish. The wish must not be told to anyone. Creatortip: Tricks that might help you win... Place your thumb higher up on your half of the wishbone and give a quick snap. Sometimes this works. Sometimes it doesn't.Try using just your first finger alone, or your the first finger and thumb to exert a little extra pressure. P.S. Check out the bird this came out of, he's the turkey you smelled on the way in here!


DNA points
6 Bones0 Feet0 Hands
Diet: Carnivore
Health: +3
0 %
8 %
4 / 20
5 / 20
0 / 15
1 / 55 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 50 / 5
3 / 50 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

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By Cogent

That's great simplicity.

By fresh72

lol somebody has thanksgiving on the mind

By faceshed

if each person holds the tip of each side of the bone and you pull slowly you can sometimes get the bottom par

By frostybadfish

Thats cool, never thought of it.

By StuSwiss

When I rated this up it went to prosperous. I don't know how many you have to have but based on creativity al

By Boogiewoo0

Peace out!

By Betelgeuze

thats uhm, special :)

By Khellendros

Hehe, looks great!

By Aligon

haha, that is awesome! Great job on these!

By Vitalove

Don't you know that your wish won't come true if you tell everyone what it is? Tsk.

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