Terratrouble / Analysis
04/03/2020 - 05:48:40
Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.09 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
This once healthy planet is dying at incredible speed! You were told to talk to the nearest civilian about the situation.
This once healthy planet is dying at incredible speed! You were told to talk to the nearest civilian about the situation.
Win message:
Just in time! Life will come back to the land in a few days.
Just in time! Life will come back to the land in a few days.
Lose message:
This planet is now doomed to be a barren wasteland.
This planet is now doomed to be a barren wasteland.
ACT 1 :
ACT 2 :
ACT 3 :
ACT 4 :
ACT 5 :
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