Clark and Stanley open a Diner / Analysis

By Willie5000
05/08/2019 - 05:48:05

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.71 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Sensors indicate that Clark and Stanley are requesting your assistance! Go see what they want THIS time...
Win message:
Having witnessed Clark and Stanley's horrific crimes against nature, you suddenly can't help but entertain the idea of becoming a vegan...
Lose message:
And this is why you don't stay too close to Clark and Stanley...
ACT 1 :   Grand Opening!
What's with the crowd?
ACT 2 :   Clark and Stanley Eats
You shudder at the thought of Clark and Stanley serving food. Or owning a buisness. Or doing anything in general. Still, lets see how this restaurant thing goes!
ACT 3 :   Take it to the kitchen!
Meet Clark and Stanley in the kitchen!
ACT 4 :   F-
What the-?
ACT 5 :   Unsanitary environment!
What... What just happened?
ACT 6 :   The other, other, white meat!
Oh dear Spode no...
ACT 7 :   Tastes like chicken!
Get the heck out of there!!!
ACT 8 :   Safe! Safe?
You find yourself back in the parking lot, all too eager to get away from the diner.
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