Zombie Zone - Lab Invasion III / Analysis

By killsimon
08/31/2018 - 18:21:33

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.48 (Not rated)

Basic info
Win message:
Well done! How about you pay the Paddo's a visit next?
Lose message:
You Sir, are a failure!
ACT 1 :   Start the carnage!
Let's start by killing a bunch of zombies.
ACT 2 :   Turn off the power.
We have to shut down this whole facility. The easiest way to do that is by destroying the main power supply. WARNING: after you turn off the power, some traps and perk machines will turn off.
ACT 3 :   Emergency Evacuation.
Destroying the power supply has activated the emergency systems, a spaceship with back-ups of all the research on board is about to take off. Destroy it before it's too late!
ACT 4 :   Return Home.
Well done! Now leave this shithole!
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