Down the Drain P1 / Analysis

By dustyroads1661
03/01/2015 - 18:56:43

Type: Puzzle adventure
Rating: 0.92 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You land in a nice little town who set up a landing pad just for you, how sweet. You find something is wrong when you notice an angry crowd in front of the Mayor.
Win message:
Continue the story in part 2!
Lose message:
Cars are dangerous kids, don't touch them.
ACT 1 :   Whats going on here?
Why is there a mob infront of the Mayor's house? Better go talk to him yourself and ask whats going on.
ACT 2 :   Uh oh!
I don't think hes supposed to do that!
ACT 3 :   The destination
Somebody got mad and flushed them all down The Drain! Quick, talk to the mayor and do what he says!
ACT 4 :   Continue
Keep wandering through the sewers until you find the end.
ACT 5 :   Welcome to Hollywood
Oh, great. You ended up in Hollywood. Well, keep going and you might find something important.
ACT 6 :   This is the part where he dies
Congrats. This is the part where he dies.
ACT 7 :   He's dead. Great.
Talk to Clark. He might now something.
ACT 8 :   To be Continued!
Join us next time to find out what happens next!
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