Honor Guard / Analysis

By mrflippy23456
10/31/2014 - 11:04:22

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
It is the year 2004, and the Pacific island nation of Fatujia is in civil war. SEATO Forces from Australia and the Philippines have been deployed to keep the peace and restore order.
Win message:
The Commie forces have surrendered and their leader, Desmond Kola, has stepped down from power. SEATO forces will remain on the island to help rebuild.
Lose message:
Mission: Failed
ACT 1 :   Special Delivery

ACT 2 :   Death From Above

ACT 3 :   Through the Valley of Death

ACT 4 :   And It Goes "'BOOM!"'

ACT 5 :   Stand Your Ground

ACT 6 :   Assault on the Airfield

ACT 7 :   Into the Depths of Hell

ACT 8 :   Waiting for the Reinforcements

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