The Road to Revelation, Part 2 / Analysis

By CloudyVision
09/22/2014 - 00:01:19

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You've been travelling with these monks for weeks now, and they've hardly spoken. Some days ago they led you onto the bed of an old railroad, with all the rails long since torn up for scrap.
Win message:
In a few weeks, you arrive in Skovorodino. But what you find there will be quite surprising...
Lose message:
The exploits of Genghis Khan will remain a mystery to General Odam Kai. It will forever bother him in his sleep until the day he dies.
ACT 1 :   Where on earth are we...
You feel a little bit like these monks are leading you on a wild goose chase. You stop the lead monk and decide to interrogate him.
ACT 2 :   The Tunnel
Around the next bend, a tunnel appears, its entrance dark and forebidding. Do you enter?(Complete goals in order please)
ACT 3 :   Realization
You go back down the road a short ways to the old boxcar you saw on the way in. That was the one part of the environment that didn't fit in with your theory.
ACT 4 :   Return
You decide to go back up to the tunnel and continue following the Trans-Siberian Railroad. Since the monks were right after all, it should take you to Skovorodino.
ACT 5 :   The Village
The man with the gun would like to talk to you. About what what, you wonder...
ACT 6 :   A Fight
The guards start attacking you with tranquilizer guns. But you mistake them for real guns and fight back with everything you have.
ACT 7 :   Onward
It would be in your interest to escape the village, you decide. Time to move on...
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