The Citadel of Spiders Chapter 1 / Analysis

By beesore
08/25/2013 - 20:12:34
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
You've been sent here to complete a job. Reclaim the lost treasures from the Citadel of Spiders, and you will be rewarded handsomely. Remember your training, and you'll be fine.
You've been sent here to complete a job. Reclaim the lost treasures from the Citadel of Spiders, and you will be rewarded handsomely. Remember your training, and you'll be fine.
Win message:
In the next chapter, you will fight spiders, as the name implies, explore caves deep below the surface, and (best of all) get VERY wealthy off of money in the caves.
In the next chapter, you will fight spiders, as the name implies, explore caves deep below the surface, and (best of all) get VERY wealthy off of money in the caves.
Lose message:
It's too bad. There was going to be cake at the party.
It's too bad. There was going to be cake at the party.
ACT 1 : Meet the Oracle.
The Oracle is a man who lives in a cabin near the ocean. He is the only person alive who knows the location of the Citadel of Spiders.
The Oracle is a man who lives in a cabin near the ocean. He is the only person alive who knows the location of the Citadel of Spiders.
ACT 2 : Learn what your task is.
ACT 3 : Bring the Oracle some meat.
The Oracle is hungry. Find him some meat in the ruined village to the east of the compound and give it to him.
The Oracle is hungry. Find him some meat in the ruined village to the east of the compound and give it to him.
ACT 4 : Get directions.
You must ask the Oracle how to get to the cave. You have passed his test and deserve the information.
You must ask the Oracle how to get to the cave. You have passed his test and deserve the information.
ACT 5 : Go to the cave.
Open the dock and get to the boat. You don't have any time to spare if you want to get home in time for the annual Hero's Party.
Open the dock and get to the boat. You don't have any time to spare if you want to get home in time for the annual Hero's Party.
ACT 6 : Get in the boat!
Get in now, before the boat starts up!
Get in now, before the boat starts up!
ACT 7 : Away we go!
The cave is pretty big, isn't it? Menacing, one might say. Hopefully, you won't die while in there... In you go, now!
The cave is pretty big, isn't it? Menacing, one might say. Hopefully, you won't die while in there... In you go, now!
ACT 8 : Delve deeper
Jump into the pit... Trust me, nothing will happen. When you get to the bottom, look around a bit. Know your surroundings.
Jump into the pit... Trust me, nothing will happen. When you get to the bottom, look around a bit. Know your surroundings.
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