How to Ally With Enemies / Analysis
By dustyroads1661
08/24/2013 - 23:38:55
Type: Socialize adventure
Rating: -2.5 (Bad)
Basic info
Intro message:
Something odd happened in Scotland. A rocket, seemingly abandoned, crashed in the town and into a mountain. No one got hurt, but the rocket is in the way and needs to be removed.
Something odd happened in Scotland. A rocket, seemingly abandoned, crashed in the town and into a mountain. No one got hurt, but the rocket is in the way and needs to be removed.
Win message:
Congratulations! You completed the mission, destroyed the rocket, and tamed the Loch Ness Monster! Open this in the adventure editor to see how I did it.
Congratulations! You completed the mission, destroyed the rocket, and tamed the Loch Ness Monster! Open this in the adventure editor to see how I did it.
Lose message:
Thats odd, the Loch Ness Monster usually just roars over and over to scare you off... try it again!
Thats odd, the Loch Ness Monster usually just roars over and over to scare you off... try it again!
ACT 1 : Scotland's Loch Ness
The rocket landed somewhere in the town. find it, and search for a way to remove it from the area.
The rocket landed somewhere in the town. find it, and search for a way to remove it from the area.
ACT 2 : Heavy Duty Destruction
It looks like your gonna need something big and powerful to destroy that rocket. What other than the Loch Ness Monster? To get the Loch Ness Monster, your gonna need some bait and a boat.
It looks like your gonna need something big and powerful to destroy that rocket. What other than the Loch Ness Monster? To get the Loch Ness Monster, your gonna need some bait and a boat.
ACT 3 : Out in the Lake
Now that your away from the shore, put the bait on the line and go to the front-right of the boat to go further on the raft.
Now that your away from the shore, put the bait on the line and go to the front-right of the boat to go further on the raft.
ACT 4 : Wait for it...
Now wait for the Loch Ness Monster to show up.
Now wait for the Loch Ness Monster to show up.
ACT 5 : Uh oh!
It doesn't look too happy to see you, but click it and press 1-4 to tame it. Socialize with it twice to add it to your crew. Then bring it to the rocket and take it off your team!
It doesn't look too happy to see you, but click it and press 1-4 to tame it. Socialize with it twice to add it to your crew. Then bring it to the rocket and take it off your team!
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