The Behavor machine / Analysis
By SlasherDoggo
08/21/2013 - 15:21:00
Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Clark and Stanely want you to go and see there muitaa I mean there behavior machine go and see it they might give you a tour.
Clark and Stanely want you to go and see there muitaa I mean there behavior machine go and see it they might give you a tour.
Win message:
those idout were very selfish luckly you killed em.
those idout were very selfish luckly you killed em.
Lose message:
you lost I shouden't have told you about this tour sorry.
you lost I shouden't have told you about this tour sorry.
ACT 1 : talk to Clark and stanely.
you no the drill talk to Clark and Stanely
you no the drill talk to Clark and Stanely
ACT 2 : lets see what they do.
Intressting let's see what there doing.
Intressting let's see what there doing.
ACT 3 : Talk to these idouts.
talk to Clark and Stanely they seem very stupid try to stop the em.
talk to Clark and Stanely they seem very stupid try to stop the em.
ACT 4 : Kill Clark and Stanely.
Those double twisted fools kill them
Those double twisted fools kill them
ACT 5 : Waite for your ship to colect.
Your ship will collect you.
Your ship will collect you.
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