The Behavor machine / Analysis

By SlasherDoggo
08/21/2013 - 15:21:00

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Clark and Stanely want you to go and see there muitaa I mean there behavior machine go and see it they might give you a tour.
Win message:
those idout were very selfish luckly you killed em.
Lose message:
you lost I shouden't have told you about this tour sorry.
ACT 1 :   talk to Clark and stanely.
you no the drill talk to Clark and Stanely
ACT 2 :   lets see what they do.
Intressting let's see what there doing.
ACT 3 :   Talk to these idouts.
talk to Clark and Stanely they seem very stupid try to stop the em.
ACT 4 :   Kill Clark and Stanely.
Those double twisted fools kill them
ACT 5 :   Waite for your ship to colect.
Your ship will collect you.
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