My worst(working)adventure ever! / Analysis

By CopperPip
06/26/2013 - 00:13:04

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: -3 (Bad)

Basic info
Intro message:
As your cool captain beams down, a noise that sounds like... moaning!? Weird!
Win message:
You win! You get two cookies! One for doing the right thing, and the other for suffering through my worst adventure ever!!!!!
Lose message:
Just... leave. This adventure sucks, and I'm honestly suspecting the red face will come soon. Also, that planet is doomed, but that honestly doesn't matter too much.
ACT 1 :   I eat adventures for breakfast!
While in the ruins, you notice jump pads and holes. Mabey... they lead to somthing (p.s. getting to the top can be frustrating!)
ACT 2 :   Ahh... the report!
Go report to the commander.
ACT 3 :   Take his brain!!!!!!!!!
Wait a minute, I thought zombies don't exist! Well! I guess they do! Now, go to another base.
ACT 4 :   Not the report!
This... is bad!
ACT 5 :   Investigate
YOU have to investigate.
ACT 6 :   Oh my spode!
Wow! So THAT'S what a zombie can do!!!
ACT 7 :   Is that...
Did you take it?
ACT 8 :   Return! NOW!!!!!!!!!
Oh no! This is not good! you had better retern it, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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