Funtime Arena / Analysis

By Duffer0330
04/12/2013 - 00:51:12

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to Funtime arena! do some tasks for your point reward! don't forget to hang around and socialize!
Win message:
I hope you had fun! Please rate fairly!
Lose message:
How the %$#@ did you manage to to THAT!
ACT 1 :   Do Stuff First!
Complete these simple tasks to continue! Do them in order please!
ACT 2 :   Rupee Business
Meet up with link and give him his rupee!
ACT 3 :   Mortal Kombat
Help the blade troopers defeat the LALALs! Talk to Mr. long legs-$%.
ACT 4 :   3,2,1..... FIGHT!
ACT 5 :   Beachy Ballz
Talk to the Beach balls! They might give you a hint!
ACT 6 :   The king
Now Go to the Castle! When you get there, talk to the king and then you can leave!
ACT 7 :   YAY
Nw you can Explore the place and leave when done! thanks for playing!
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