Funtime Arena / Analysis
By Duffer0330
04/12/2013 - 00:51:12
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to Funtime arena! do some tasks for your point reward! don't forget to hang around and socialize!
Welcome to Funtime arena! do some tasks for your point reward! don't forget to hang around and socialize!
Win message:
I hope you had fun! Please rate fairly!
I hope you had fun! Please rate fairly!
Lose message:
How the %$#@ did you manage to to THAT!
How the %$#@ did you manage to to THAT!
ACT 1 : Do Stuff First!
Complete these simple tasks to continue! Do them in order please!
Complete these simple tasks to continue! Do them in order please!
ACT 2 : Rupee Business
Meet up with link and give him his rupee!
Meet up with link and give him his rupee!
ACT 3 : Mortal Kombat
Help the blade troopers defeat the LALALs! Talk to Mr. long legs-$%.
Help the blade troopers defeat the LALALs! Talk to Mr. long legs-$%.
ACT 4 : 3,2,1..... FIGHT!
ACT 5 : Beachy Ballz
Talk to the Beach balls! They might give you a hint!
Talk to the Beach balls! They might give you a hint!
ACT 6 : The king
Now Go to the Castle! When you get there, talk to the king and then you can leave!
Now Go to the Castle! When you get there, talk to the king and then you can leave!
Nw you can Explore the place and leave when done! thanks for playing!
Nw you can Explore the place and leave when done! thanks for playing!
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