the asoult / Análisis
Por SlasherDoggo
06/04/2013 - 10:11:57
Tipo: Aventura de búsqueda
Puntuación: -0.31 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
kill and befrind aliens there is a legend asloult at the end
kill and befrind aliens there is a legend asloult at the end
Mensaje de victoria:
you killed and befriend every one the slippy viper is not killed next epesod revenge of slippy viper
you killed and befriend every one the slippy viper is not killed next epesod revenge of slippy viper
Mensaje de fracaso:
you let slppy viper up to his tricks click reply to start the game again
you let slppy viper up to his tricks click reply to start the game again
ACTO 1 :
ACTO 2 :
ACTO 3 :
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