The Inovites (Part 1) / Analysis

By stuey01
03/31/2013 - 04:56:23
Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
You enter possibly the only good dropsite on the planet.Why does it have no landing pads?What happened to this place aswell?
You enter possibly the only good dropsite on the planet.Why does it have no landing pads?What happened to this place aswell?
Win message:
You fall into a possibly eternal sleep into the dark void of your mind.Where will your end up?.......
You fall into a possibly eternal sleep into the dark void of your mind.Where will your end up?.......
ACT 1 : The Discovery
This place took quite a beating.The power from the generator is still up,maybe you can find out some information
This place took quite a beating.The power from the generator is still up,maybe you can find out some information
ACT 2 : What's Going On
Well,It must be giving power to something around here....
Well,It must be giving power to something around here....
ACT 3 : The Ecounter
What's going on,the readings on the minimap are off the charts!
What's going on,the readings on the minimap are off the charts!
ACT 4 : ....
That was....strange.The whispers they were making...it sounded like "'The wanderer has come"'.Try and find more information.
That was....strange.The whispers they were making...it sounded like "'The wanderer has come"'.Try and find more information.
ACT 5 : What the....
More signatures on the minimap!everythings fading away from your mind,almost like a.....mind trap.....
More signatures on the minimap!everythings fading away from your mind,almost like a.....mind trap.....
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